Best Espresso Machine Under $100: Black Friday Deals 2021

Entry-level espresso machines can make you great espresso even though they come at very affordable price, and this applies even to espresso machines that cost under $100. Being affordable doesn’t mean that these machines are bad, but that they usually have only some basic features. However, the best of these machines tend to offer a bit more, and we hope that you’ll be able to notice that about the machines that we have on our list of best espresso machines under $100.

- Breville-Nespresso USA BEC220BLK1AUC1 Nespresso Essenza Mini Espresso Machine with Complimentary Capsules, Piano Black 1. Breville Nespresso Essenza Mini Espresso Machine

If you want an espresso machine that works with capsules, you could purchase the Breville Nespresso Essenza mini espresso machine. The machine works with Nespresso Original capsules, and you actually get 14 capsules as a gift with the machine. The Essenza has two buttons for espresso and lungo, and the buttons allow you to program these drinks. Aside from being programmable, the Essenza also heats up fast and automatically turns off after nine minutes of inactivity.

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Breville the Barista Express Espresso Machine, BES870XL 2. Barista Express Machine

In case you want an espresso machine that can make both coffee and milk-based drinks, you can get the Barista Express machine. This machine has a milk frother and is a typical espresso machine that comes with a portafilter. Another thing that comes with the Barista Express is the glass decanter that you can put underneath the machine so that the coffee goes directly into it. Furthermore, the machine also has a removable drip tray and a removable nozzle, which means that you will be able to clean it easily.

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De'Longhi EC220CD 15-Bar Pump Driven Espresso Maker 3. De’Longhi EC220CD 15-Bar Pump-Driven Espresso Maker

Another machine that can make you milk-based drinks is the De’Longhi EC220CD espresso maker. This espresso machine uses a 15-bar pump to make you good espresso and a swivel jet that will froth your milk. All you have to do to get the machine to make you an espresso is put ground coffee in the portafilter and lock it into the machine. There’s also a tamper attached to the machine, so you won’t have to buy a separate tamper for your coffee. Another good thing about the De’Longhi EC220CD is that is self primes itself.

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Hamilton Beach Espresso, Latte and Cappuccino Machine with Milk Frother, 15 Bar Italian Pump, Black and Stainless (40792) 4. Hamilton Beach Espresso, Latte, and Cappuccino Machine

The Hamilton Beach espresso machine is a machine that works with ground coffee or coffee pods. This machine has a swivelling steam wand for milk frothing, which means that if you purchase it, you’ll be able to make cappuccinos, macchiatos, lattes, and more coffee drinks within the comfort of your home. The machine relies on a 15-bar espresso pump when making espresso, and it works with a slide and lock portafilter, so you won’t struggle with locking the portafilter into the machine.

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